DATE:         July 22, 1980

FROM:         Special Agent "S"

TO:           Chairman, Schroeder Reunion

SUBJECT:      Schroeder Reunion

ADDRESS:      Camp Hugh Beaver, II, Oahu, Hawaii




It has been learned that the secretary and his immediately

family will not be attending the 1980 Reunion, but will be in Hawaii on August 2nd. It has also been ascertained that the secretary's youngest child will be married on that day and that his prospective wife rejected the offer to be married at Camp Hugh Beaver, but cho to "tie-the-knot" on her beach and in her own park.

    The secretary has made arrangements with World Airways for a special "charter-rate" for anyone to fly to Honolulu and back for approximately $495.00. Departures can be arranged at Newark Airport or Baltimore Washington Airport.

    For those planning to take advantage of the "Hawaii Charter", it is recommended that each person bring along a knapsack and pup tent, as all hotels are completely booked up on reservations for lawyers attending the American Bar Association Meeting in Honolulu July 30th to August 6th.

    It is pure speculation that your secretary will be attending any of the meetings.

    Our investigation will continue and a further detailed report will be forwarded.

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Created on January 21, 1996 by Lloyd Foss, Jr.
Last Modifed on Thursday June 21, 2001 by Lloyd Foss, Jr.
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Copyright © 1996, 1998, 2001 by Lloyd Foss, Jr.