SCHROEDER REUNION V - August 5, 1978

July 26, 1978 Volume V, No. 4


    The Executive Committee, after due notice, met on July 22, 1978 and decided that the following would be in order:

     I.     GOLF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr Cook

    The golf Tournament will he held on the regular course, rather than the par3 course at Fernwood. Teeoff 8:30 a.m. Outlaws must verify handicaps to Mr. Cook. Those who cannot qualify in the Schroeder Tournament will automatically qualify for the FRANCIS E. ALBUS MEMORIAL OPEN scheduled for the following Monday, where all will be Francis's guests at Tamiment Golf & Country Club.

    II.     BIRTHDAY AWARD . . . . . . . . . Kathy B.

    The Secretary's Spouse will celebrate her __th birthday on August 4th! A prize will be awarded to the orlginator of the most unusual greeting delivered to "Pat" at the Reunion!!!

    III.    WINE & CHEESE  . . . . . . . . . Mary

    A "Wine & Cheese" tasting event will be held from 11:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m., instead of eating lunch,
    (a) Each male Schroeder shall provide at least one fifth of white; one fifth of red; and one fifth of any other wine.
    (b) Each male outlaw shall provide at least 1/2 lb. sharp cheese; 1/2 lb. mild cheese; and 1/2 lb. soft cheese.
    (c) Each family shall furnish a box of chips, crackers, dipchips, Doritos, peanuts or mixed nuts.
    (d) No Coca Colas are to be consumed before 11:30 a.m.
    (e) Cousins shall supp]y the soft drinks for the kids.

     IV.    SMILING EXERCISES. . . . . . . . Burns

    (a) All guests will form in a double line making an aisle to the Mess Hall for the evening meal.
    (b) No guest shall have a wider smile than the Chairman.
    (c) In the event that the Chairman cannot work up a smile, this event will be cancelled.

     V.     ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES  . . . . . . Karl

    The drinking of alcoholic beverages in public is not condoned by YMCA, therefore:
    (a) Absolutely no imbibing at the swimming dock, the Mess Hall or Women's Latrine.
    (b) All beverages must appear to be lemonade, Ice Tea, Cola or Coffee.
    (c) Each family must furnish a good supply of ice cubes as there is no ice machine at the Camp.


     VI.    ICE CREAM  . . . . . . . . . . . Bill

    (a) Each family owning an ice cream churn should bring it to the Reunion and deliver to the Mess Hall right after lunch.
    (b) Mr. Cook will prepare the "mix".
    (c) Bill will supply the salt and ice and raspberrles.
    (d) Jack will supply peaches. Karl will bring the stale macaroons.
    (e) Ice Cream will be served at evening meal and there wil be an Ice Cream Sundae Bar so that each person can build the Sundae of his choice.

    VII.    FATLESS SALAD  . . . . . . . . . Joan

    The Salad Making Jamboree, will take place immediately prior to the evening Banquet. Mr. Cook has graciously agreed to supervise and has requested the following specimens* of homegrowm products from the delegations indicated:

Morgan's Hill   . . . . Cucumhers
Dunnsville      . . . . Asparagus
Stewartsville   . . . . Onions & Beans
Shimer Manor    . . . . Cabbages
Delaware Heights  . . . Lettuce (head or garden)
Kensington      . . . . Wine Vinegar & Oil
Annapolis       . . . . Miscellaneous Condiments
Lehigh Street   . . . . Red Cabbage
Hatboro         . . . . Mushrooms
Wappinger Falls . . . . Celery
Everybody       . . . . Tomatoes

*Delegations may exchange assignments without permission of the Chairman.

    VIII.   COOKINGBAKING CONTEST  . . . . . Cancelled.

    And Chairperson disqualified for one year.

    IX.     SWIWMING . . . . . . . . . . . . Virginia

    The rules for the swimming contest are as follows:

     (a) 25 yds. for 63-77 years old          $10,000.00
     (b) 25 yds. for 52-62 years old                1.00
     (c) 400 yards for 42-51 years old              1.00
     (d) 32-41 years old - dock to staff
          house and back                            1.00
     (e) Dock to dam and hack 22-31 years old       1.00
     (f) Around the circumference of lake
          10-22 years old                            .50
     (g) 25 yard FLOAT (without tube) for
          78-95 years old                              *

        * Choice of Goldwater-Miller or Nixon-Agnew

    X.      KITE FLYING  . . . . . . . . . . Jack

    The KITEFLYING contest will commence at 2:00 p.m.

    (a) The WILLIAM D. SCHROEDER MEMORIAL TROPHY will be awarded for the most heautiful "homemade" kite that flies.
    (b) Kites that "dip" 5 continuous loops are disqualified.
    (c) Kites with broken sticks will be burned.
    (d) Members may not use mechanical winders.

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"STAY OUT OF THE KITCHEN - Unless Invited!"

    XI.     PEANUT SCRAMBLE  . . . . . . . . Carolyn

    A peanut scramble will be held at 3:00 p.m. for all children between the ages of One and Sixty.

    XII.    MARBLE TOUNAMENT , . . . . . . . Ed

    The Marble Tournament will commence at 4:00 p.m. (each participant must provide marbles no poppers!).

    XIII.   DANCING CONTEST  . . . . . . . . Wendy

    A dancing contest will replace the Home Movies & Slide Show because the younger generation need an outlet to express themselves (without writing or doing any kind of work) 8:30 to midnite.

    XIV.    OUTLAWS MEETING  . . . . . . . . Pat

    (a) This event shall take place in the Staff Room on the second floor of the Staff House while the members and special guests' cocktail party is in progress on the top floor of the Staff House.
    (b) Redskin invitations will be issued immediately after the Chairman picks his game.
    (c) No outlaw may be invited to a Redskin game and the Touchdown Club Dinner.
    (d) Those unable to attend a regular season Redskin game in 1978 will hold a priority for the 1979 season.
    (e) The reelection of the Chairman will he scheduled.

    XV.     CAMP HUGH BEAVER HANDICAP  . . . Mr. Cook

    The subchairman will lead all those not interested in Dancing, Home Movies, or Slide Show to Pocono Downs for a specic horse racing event and lessons in handicapping.

    XVI.    ARCHIE BUNKER AWARD  . . . . . . F. Albus

    This award will go to the person or persons who can outdo the subchairman in knocking "the Government", "Congress", "the White House", "Lawyers", "Accountants", "Engineers", "Doctors", "Dentists", and other professionals.

    XVII    PHOTO ALBUM  . . . . . . . . . . Nancy Lee

    (a) All memhers will try to submit pictures that pertain to them.
    (b) 86 and over birth, youth, wedding, old age & death.
    (c) 30 and over birth, youth, wedding, middle age.
    (d) 20 and over birth, youth, wedding.
    (e) Under 20 hirth, youth.
    (f) All Schroeder clan please submit all photos to Photo Album Chairperson. This will be open to puhlic inspection no nudes, please (we know how good we are!!).

  Respectfully submitted,
  Jack L. Schroeder signature
July 26, 1978
Chairman: Burns Bamford " STAY OUT OF THE KITCHEN
Treasurer: Mary M. Schroeder
  Un1ess Invited!"
Secretary: John L. Schroeder

N.B. The Treasurer and the Chairman's spouse must be informed as to the number of delegates in each delagation and the expected time of arrival at Camp Hugh Beaver.

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Created on January 8, 1996 by Lloyd Foss, Jr.
Last Modifed on Thursday June 21, 2001 by Lloyd Foss, Jr.
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Copyright © 1996, 1998, 2001 by Lloyd Foss, Jr.