VOL XXIX Number 3 July 25, 2002
The Schroeder Reunion Newsletter
All the stuff we could dig up!
The Schroeder 2002 reunion will be held August 17, 2002 at Oxford Lake, New Jersey


Admission will be the same as last year. $5.00 per adult and $2.00 per child. No head count is needed as the pavilion is a fixed cost and we just estimate food for 50 people.


Casey & Corey Unangst (Carloyn's daughter Mary Lou's daughters) have voluntered to deliver the food for this year's reunion. The menu:

Hamburgers / Hotdogs / Salad / Chips

Everyone needs to bring thier own beverages

We need volunteers to man the grill.

Please bring a dessert for the desert table!


Joan Bamford will conduct the bubble gum blowing contest for both children and adults.

There will be a pinata. Volunteers will be needed to help.

We will be repeating the 'Tricky Tray' from last year as the primary fundraising activity. The rules are as follows:

There will be seven 'baskets' or raffle prizes.

You can purchase any number of tickets and spread them between baskets or put them all on the basket you want to increase your chances of winning. (That's how two people won two baskets each last year!)

Everyone should bring something for the basket that corresponds with the month you were born. For example someone born in November should bring something for the "Holiday Helpers" basket.

Everyone is encouraged to bring things for the other baskets as well if they have things that fit the category and were planning on getting rid of it anyway. Also there will be a seventh basket for Schroeder Bric a Brac that everyone is asked to bring for. People can interpret the baskets anyway they want. That is part of the fun.

Carolyn Foss has volunteered to bring baskets.

Here are the categories:

READER'S DIGEST       (March/April)

BETTER HOMES & GARDEN       (May/June)

HAPPY HOUR       (July/Aug)

BETTY CROCKER       (Sept/Oct)

HOLIDAY HELPER'S       (Nov/Dec)



You can contact me:
by Mail:
   Lloyd Foss Jr
   1344 Hollyberry Lane
   West Chester PA 19380 by Phone:
   610 719 1844
by email:

Directions and maps to the reunion are available on the website:


Business Meeting

There will be a business meeting.

Invocation - Need a volunteer

A 'State of the Schroeders' This should consist of a rundown of where everybody lives and significant events - marriages graduations, births, moves.

Delaware height delegation
Morgan hill delegation
Rockville/Greenville/Virginia Beach delegation
Shimer Manor Delegation
Easton Delegation
Annapolis delegation
Stewartsville Delegation
Tappahannock Delegation
South Side Delegation
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Page 2 July 25, 2002
Business Meeting (Cont)

Idea: Rotate reunion responsibilities through delegations. Make the schedule now so each delegation knows more than a year in advance.  Delegations can trade if they want to.

Where should we have next year's reunion?
Should we provide food or just have everybody bring their own?

Election of officers:

    Newsletter Editor
    Food Committee Chairman
    Entertainment Committee Chairman

Schroeder Shorts

Editors make mistakes too. You think being the godfather I would have remembered. Lyne and Andy Foss (Carolyn's son) have a new son - Andrew Thomas Foss, Jr. born April 8, 2002. He is doing well. Congratulations Lyne & Andy.

Jennifer (Carolyn's daughter) and Scott Davis have bought a new home:
3 Bridle Lane
Dryden NY 13053
Congratulations Jenn & Scott

The rumor was true: John Sutton (Virginia's son) married Maureen McMahon July 20, 2002 at Lock town Stone Church. (Founded by his great-great-great grandfather John) Their address is:
30 Stratton Court
Flemington NJ 08822
Congratulations John & Maureen

Mary Schroeder attended an Elderhostel in Bethlehem PA in July. Courses will be on the Moravians and Shakespeare at DeSales University in Allentown PA

Karl Schroeder has been kicked out of his old zipcode. His new zipcode is: 21401-6793

Thanks to Mary Schroeder for the news updates!

Editor's Corner

Why aren't the newsletters on the web site? I used to write the newsletter in web format first and then bring it into a word processor (Microsoft Word) for printing. I usually ended up reformatting things to fit them on the paper. Word does not save the file back in an acceptable web format when I am done so I end up cutting and pasting it back into a web template. While it is not difficult it takes time and it is pretty boring editing the same document for the third time.

There was also a problem in that I had the web site on 2 computers. The first was on my employer's computer at
I do not update this site any more as it did not have all of the features I need. It now redirects (sorry - web lingo for you click on one site but end up on another) you to the second site which is at my own web address

What happened to the Schroeder Movie Project?
This got sidelined by the Brennan Audio Tape Conversion Project. My wife's father used to exchange audio tapes with his brother in England in the 1960's. I discovered the tapes when we moved into our house 3 years ago and have been converting them into CD's. I actually finished this project in April 2002 after starting in December 1999 (29 Months!). It consisted of copying and editing about 30 hours of tape down to 9 CD's. The editing consisted of removing all of the old TV shows they had recorded and removing pops, clicks, and hum. Since this has done I have purchased 2 product for movie editing. The first is an upgrade to the movie editing software I use (Pinnacle Studio DV Version 7). The new version added slow and fast motion effects. Now I can slow down the 8mm films that play to fast and make the really short clips from the wind up brownie camera last longer. Another new software toy is Pinnacle DVD Express, which makes something called a Video CD which is a sort of low quality DVD using a CD blank. It turns out most DVD players will play these Video CD's. So I can make the Video CD's of the Schroeder Movies which can be played on any DVD player. The original plan was to just use a plain CD which could only have been played on a computer.
Ask Katie (Advice for the under 5 Set)

Dear Katie,
     My mommy grownup watches the TV people box and I learning a lot. One show is about rules or as mommy says "law". This is stuff I need some of, cause I have a problem. My sister (lets call her "the defendant") always take my toy that I play with. Toy after toy after toy. She grabs them with both arms. TV people called this "armed robbery'. I want my toys so where can I get a "restraining order"?
                        Just Plain Old Tiffed
Dear Tiffy,
     First you .... Wait .... Bridgit is this you? Just wait till mommy drives me home, we going to talk. But for the rest of you second-borns a restraining order is when us first-borns order you to restrain yourself from our toys. Try a little smile, a hug, a cookie bribe. Stop whining to the grownups. If I hear the word "share" one more time I gonna lose it (I don't know what "it" is, but the grownups say this a lot) Remember we love you so try to work with the toys we give you (or the ones I just dropped).

Ooh I see something that I can reach and I do not know what it is but I am going to try to eat it!

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Created on Friday May 8, 2003 by Lloyd Foss,Jr
Last Modified on Friday May 8, 2003 by Lloyd Foss, Jr.
Send Comments to schroeder@lfoss.com
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