* * * REUNION XVI --- AUGUST 12, 1989

  Vol. XVI, No.1
April 8, 1989

To:  The Schroeder Family Network

From:  Chris, 2602 Horsham Rd., Hatboro, Pa. 19040

Spring has sprung! Time to initiate the old family network again. It was good seeing most of you at Caroline (Foss) and Dan Smith's wedding on March 18th. Congratulations from us all, Caroline and Dan! While you were dancing, the reunion committee met and came up with some new ideas for the next reunion---August 12th. The committee liked the idea of Guest Editors for the newsletter; they thank Kathy Bamford-Cohen for a great job on the December issue. They also appointed Nancy Scheck to be the Guest Editor for the next issue since she has a computer; send items to her (22325 Ridge Rd., Germantown, Md. 20874) by Memorial Day for publication.

The committee has decided that 1989 is the Year of the Branch. Branches of the Family Tree, that is. The nine branches will each be assigned a specific reunion responsibility unless, of course, there are volunteers. for instance, one branch (Karl's?) could be responsible for setting up the wine and cheese, another branch (Joan's?) for organizing a youth talent or craft show (kids could work on projects before the reunion), another branch (Tom's?) could organize competition(relays, games) between families, etc. Also, the reunion committee will accept nominees from each branch of the family to round out its composition.

I have a friend who could supply us with t-shirts imprinted with a message such as "Schroeder Reunion...the Legend Lives On" for about $5 each. Is there interest in this? Any other ideas for slogans? Would you prefer painters caps for a lesser fee? Let me know if I should pursue this.

Financial Report

$25 from 1987 50-50 drawing used as deposit for 1988 pavilion reservation and then carried over as deposit for 1989 reservation

Profit from 1987 50-50: $20
                  Spent $44.22 on postage and copying '87-'88
Balance 8/12/88:       -$24.22

1988 Expenses:  Food:  $210
           Admissions: $123
                Total: $333

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Mary collected:      $318

Profit from 50-50:   $55
50-50 Profit Spent:  $24 to reimburse Chris for postage/copying
                     $15 to make up Food/Admission Deficit
                     $16 to Chris for '88-'89 postage

Many thanks to Aunt Mary for her gracious assistance with the Treasurer's duties.


Kathy and Bruce Bamford-Cohen recently purchased a new home in Easton---when's the housewarming party? I am in a part-time Doctoral program in Education (Psychoeducational Processes) at Temple University; Mark and Lois moved to 1715 Theresa Way, Suisun, Ca. 94585 ; Jack & Pat were out visiting them and should be in Florida now; my how the senior set gets around! Send your family news on to Nancy this month. Bye!

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Former Sea Bee Submarine
Air Compressor Expert

By Martin F. Schaffer

The badge he wore on his many visits to EB in Groton as an air compressor specialist on the boats read, "No escort required," And everybody knew this Ingersol Rand Co., compressor foreman from Phillipsburg, N.J., William Schroeder, former navy Sea Bee. Bill was cranking out submarine air compressors at I R Co. long before World War ll. During the war he was in the CB's, and upon discharge was back at his old job, chasing all over the country and the world, trouble-shooting diesel and nuclear boat air compressor problems. A Nov. 16, 1962 IR Co. plant newsletter article, written by Mr. L.A. Fowler, purchasing agent for Electric Boat, cites Schroeder for delivering a high pressure air compressor part to the USS Ethan Allen at Cape Canaveral within four hours after the order was received. Another time Bill flew down to one of the Gulf ports to find that an air compressor on one of the boats wouldn't stay on line because the yard birds had forgotten to untape the intake pipe (to keep out dirt during a yard period). When his youngest child, Bill, was in first grade, his wife, Dorothy, died of meningitis, and the former CB proceeded to raise his four children by himself. Chris, his oldest, is a Bucknell graduate and is married to a lawyer. Pat, not married, is an American U
[Bill Schroeder]

graduate. Mike and his wife, Wendy, have two children. He is a Davis and Elkins College grad and is a probation officer. Bill Jr. is a Temple and U of Penn graduate. A lawyer by profession, he and wife Lynn have children. Air compressor Schroeder currently lives in Easton, Pa., and is a frequent visitor at the Lehigh Valley Sub Vet Chapter meetings. POLARlS/October 1988

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Created on May 30, 1996 by Lloyd Foss, Jr.
Last Modifed on Saturday June 16, 2001 by Lloyd Foss, Jr.
Send Comments to schroeder@lfoss.com

Contents Copyright © 1989 by Chris Schroeder
Web Page Layout & Design Copyright © 1996, 1998, 2001 by Lloyd Foss, Jr.
Clipping Copyright © 1988 by Polaris Magazine
The U.S Submarine Veterans Insigna is a registered trademark of U.S. Submarine Veterans World War II