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SCHROEDER REUNION XI - August 11, 1984

Chairman - Burns Bamford Vol. XI, No. 3
     Treasurer - Mary M. Schroeder
          Secretary - John L. Schroeder
                Dinner Chairman - Jack Wieghorst
                     Program Chairman - Virginia E. Sutton
                           50/50 CoChairpersons - Pegge W. & Bob S.
                                DELAWARE FLOAT **-**- Cliff Sutton

The Reunion Schedule, as developed to date, is: revised as follows:

11:00 a.m. - WINE & CHEESE PARTY "BYOLS" Bring Your Own Liquids & Solids.& ICE
12:30 p.m. - Storytelling and other lies.
1:00 p.m. - Flexible Program will be arranged Virginia and will include:

Volleyball - Basketball - Coupon Exchange - Hopscotch
Golf - Quoits - Poker - JACKS - Bingo - Pinochle - Marbles
Swimming - Greased Watermelon - Blueberry Picking - Trivia
Nature Walks - Progressive Rummy - Baseball - Archery
Old snapshot Identification Contest - Tennis - Sailing

5:00 p.m. - Church or Cocktails BRING YOUR OWN ICE
6:00 p.m. - Dinner, Awards, Poetry Readings and 50/50 Drawing.
Sunday - Sunday August 12, 1984. Float down the Delaware, if weather permits!!

Bring your own inner tubes, rubber boats, beer and ice (Cliff has some extra tubes for those who cannot bring their own)

ETD-Eddyside 12:30 p.m.... ETD P-Burg side, between old and new bridges 1:30 p.m....ETD - Front Street boat ramp, Easton side about 1:50 p.m...ETAALL IN - Carpentersville about 4:00 p.m.

Cliff and his Van will return you to your cars @ ETDs!!!!!

        NEWS:--- DREW ? SCHROEDER, born July 27 to Mark & Lois.

        IMPORTANT: Please call Jack Wieghorst and let him know how many guests to expect for the Reunion Dinner(Mr. Cook needs the info.)

Thursday August 2, 1984 Respectfully submitted,
[Jack L. Schroeder signature]


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Created on February 3, 1996 by Lloyd Foss, Jr.
Last Modifed on Saturday June 16, 2001 by Lloyd Foss, Jr.
Send Comments to schroeder@lfoss.com

Copyright © 1996, 1998, 2001 by Lloyd Foss, Jr.