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June 1, 1984 Vol. XI, No. 1

Chairman: Burns Bamford
Treasurer: Mary M. Schroeder
Secretary: John L. Schroeder
       1.  The Chairman has rejected all suggestions from the Executive Committee and has decided that Reunion XI will be on August 11, 1984 at Camp Hugh Beaver from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

       2.  The Executive Committee decided to have a flexible program beginning with lunch and ending with dinner.

             (A)  The "Wine and Cheese" party will be incorporated with a brown bag lunch. Each bring your own and a little extra for scavengers.

             (B)  The dinner arrangements are really flexible according to Jack "Wieghorst" who is Chairman of the Dinner Committee

             (C)  We need a "Program Chairman" to organize a " Swap Meet", a "Coupon Exchange" and "Poetry Recital " Volunteers should contact the Secretary S.A.P.

             (D)  In order to guarantee the Camp some Financial Contribution for accommodating the Schroeder Clan, we will have a 50/50 cash raffle with 50% of the pot to the "Winner" and 50% to the Camp. Pegge and Bob Schroeder will be in charge unless they persuade someone else to take over the task.

       3.  No one is invited to stay at Camp Hugh Beaver overnight before or after the Reunion. Out of town persons should make appropriate arrangements with residents at Easton, P'Burg, Shimer Manor, Delaware Heights, or Stewartsville.

       4.  Because the mailing list is incomplete, the enclosed copies of it should be delivered to your children by whatever mean suits you.

  Respectfully submitted,
[Jack L. Schroeder signature]


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Created on February 3, 1996 by Lloyd Foss, Jr.
Last Modifed on Saturday June 16, 2001 by Lloyd Foss, Jr.
Send Comments to schroeder@lfoss.com

Copyright © 1996, 1998, 2001 by Lloyd Foss, Jr.